Why You Should Fix a Missing Tooth

Why You Should Fix a Missing Tooth


Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons and can be an uncomfortable and upsetting experience. If you have a missing tooth, you may wonder if it requires replacing. In this article, we will cover what happens if you don’t replace a missing tooth and the best tooth replacement options.

What Causes a Missing Tooth?

Losing a tooth or multiple can be caused by several reasons. Teeth may be lost due to gum disease, decay or injury and may become loose on their own or be professionally extracted. In most cases, tooth loss is a result of oral health neglect, a poor diet or excessive use of alcohol or drugs. Many cases could have been prevented by visiting the Dentist regularly for Dental Check-Up and Clean appointments, as it typically takes years for tooth decay to reach the point of tooth loss. 

Can a Missing Tooth Be Replaced?

Can a Dentist replace a missing tooth? Yes, Dentists can perform professional tooth replacement treatment. If you have a missing tooth, you should have it professionally replaced as soon as possible. There are a variety of innovative, natural-looking tooth replacement treatments available.

What Happens If You Don’t Replace a Missing Tooth?

Do you know what happens if you don’t replace a missing tooth? Can a missing tooth cause problems? Yes, neglecting to replace a missing tooth can lead to a range of Oral Health issues. Here is what can happen if you leave a missing tooth:

  • Shifting Teeth – as your teeth support the placement of each other, a missing tooth can cause other teeth to shift over time. This can change the appearance of your teeth, create a crooked smile and impact your ability to eat and chew.
  • Jawbone Mass Reduction – if you leave your missing tooth for too long, your jawbone mass can weaken over time. This means that your jawbone will become weaker and start to collapse, potentially changing the shape of your face and impacting jaw function.
  • Mouth Misalignment – changes in mouth structure because of a missing tooth can result in a misaligned mouth. As your teeth shift due to a missing tooth, your chewing function changes and your jaw muscles will work differently. This can lead to a lopsided appearance and impede your speech and oral health.


Best Missing Tooth Treatments

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Dental Implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Dental Implants act as an anchor for Porcelain Crowns, which function as teeth replacements. Dental Implants are one of the most innovative and natural-looking teeth replacement techniques. Dental Implants are particularly important for replacing highly damaged teeth that are visible when you smile, laugh, eat, drink or talk.

Porcelain Bridges for Missing Teeth

Procelain Bridges permanently replace missing teeth with Porcelain Crowns, attaching crowns to either side of the missing tooth and cover the missing tooth gap. Dental Bridges require the adjacent teeth beside a missing tooth to be used for support of the replacement tooth.

Dentures for Missing Teeth

Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth that replace missing teeth. Dentures are removable and can be taken out of your mouth and put back in. Dentures provide a natural-looking smile and restore your ability to eat and chew (with some limitations). Dentures are a suitable treatment option when your bone health is not ideal for Dental Implants and you still want to have a pleasing smile without missing teeth.

Book a Missing Tooth Consultation Today

Don’t put off replacing your missing tooth – book a consultation with Brisbane Smiles to discuss your best missing tooth treatment options. Book online today.

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