Tooth Extraction Information
A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the surrounding bone and gum.
Extracting, or “pulling,” a tooth in adults is done for a variety of reasons. Often, extractions are necessary because a tooth is so severely damaged from decay or trauma that it cannot be saved. Sometimes the nerve in a tooth dies and the tooth, as well as the gum and bone around it, become severely infected. Other times people’s mouths are not large enough to fit all their teeth, as is often the case with wisdom teeth.
Extracting a tooth is beneficial when it eliminates existing pain and infection. An extraction can also provide the space for your teeth to line up properly and allow your bone and gum to be healthy.
Both a healthy mouth and a healthy bite are important for your long term overall wellness
The Procedure
Tooth Extraction Appointment involves: finalising the consent to proceed, local anaesthetic numbing, careful tooth removal, forming a clot to stop the bleeding and providing post-op instructions.
In order for your body to heal well, you should minimise your activity for a period of time after having an extraction. Your dentist will recommend the appropriate time period to you. As your body heals, a blood clot will form within the extraction socket. This blood clot will eventually turn into bone and must be kept in place if possible. Until the area has healed over, there is a risk that certain activities can disturb the blood clot, hurt the extraction site and slow down the healing process.
The Cost
We will give you an outline of the estimated cost of your Tooth Extraction. In the case of Tooth Extraction, you will often be given a subsequent plan should replacing the tooth be an option. Throughout the Extraction Procedure we may need to alter the extent of the treatment, dependent on difficulty and technique required, and until such time the estimate of the cost is an estimate only. Following your Extraction Procedure there may be other relevant costs dependent on the outcome such as complications requiring hospitalisation with referral to an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon (at additional expense), cost of the replacement tooth – temporary and longer-term, ongoing reviews.
Alternative Treatment
If a tooth is broken down due to decay or trauma, a dentist may be able to restore the tooth instead of extracting it. If a tooth is infected but adequate tooth structure and bone support remain, it may be saved with a root canal treatment and perhaps a crown. Sometimes periodontal surgery can be performed around a compromised tooth to reduce disease and prevent the need for a tooth extraction.
Abnormal Outcomes & Risks
The risks of having a tooth extracted include additional pain, infection or nerve damage. Although a certain amount of discomfort is expected, your dentist will recommend the appropriate medication to minimise pain after your tooth is extracted. The process of having a tooth extracted can cause bacteria in your mouth, or from the infected tooth, to enter your bloodstream and cause infection in other parts of your body. People who have artificial heart valves or artificial joints may be prone to infection by these bacteria. Antibiotics may need to be taken prior to your tooth extraction to manage this risk.
The areas where a tooth was extracted may become infected after the extraction. This area may also develop a painful condition called “dry socket.” Both an infection and a dry socket are conditions that must be evaluated by your dentist in order for them to be effectively treated.
Some extractions have a higher risk of causing damage to the nerves that carry feeling to your face and lip. Most often this nerve damage will feel like parts of your face are numb or tingling. Usually this sensation resolves within six months of having your extraction. Occasionally the nerve damage is permanent.
The process of extracting a tooth may cause the tooth or adjacent teeth to chip and break. During healing, or sometime later, bone or tooth chips may become visible at the gum-line, and these may or may not require further removal.
Upper back teeth can be associated with the Sinus and are at an increased risk of sinus complications including a hole from the sinus into the mouth. This may sometimes require referral to a specialist Maxillofacial Surgeon at additional cost.
Referral Offered
Our practice is committed to providing the best dental care. Sometimes after assessing a tooth or the mouth, we find complexities or treatment difficulties that will need to be assessed and treated by Referral to a Dental Specialist. Upon referral, your Dental Specialist will provide you with independent financial cost estimates and invoices for treatment.
Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.