Dental Implants Information

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Dental Implants act as an anchor for Porcelain Crowns, which function as teeth replacements. Dental Implants are one of the most innovative and natural-looking teeth replacement techniques. Dental Implants are particularly important for replacing highly damaged teeth that are visible when you smile, laugh, eat, drink or talk.

What Are Dental Implants?

The Dental Implant functions as the root of a tooth and, depending on the number of Implants placed, it can be used to replace a single tooth up to a full jaw of teeth. It takes an average of 3-6 months for the jawbone to integrate with the Dental Implant before it can be used to support a Dental Restoration.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

If you require treatment, there are many benefits to having an Implant placed. A missing tooth can be replaced without cutting down the adjacent healthy teeth as is required when placing a bridge. Implants allow the Dentist to replace missing teeth even when a bridge is not an option. Dental Implants can provide a more stable base for a Denture, particularly in the lower jaw. Also, Dental Implants help to preserve and maintain healthy jawbone in the area of the missing tooth or teeth. With proper home care and maintenance, dental implants can restore your smile and chewing ability for a lifetime

The Procedure

In most instances, the Dental Implant procedure is simpler than the tooth extraction, involving local anaesthetic prior to making a hole into the jaw bone to place the Dental Implant into position. In order for your body to heal well, you should minimise your activity for a period of time after having a Dental implant placed.

Your dentist will recommend the appropriate time period for healing and bone osseointegration. As your body heals, the bone will integrate onto the surface of the Dental Implant. Until the Dental Implant is integrated some 3 months later, there is a risk that certain activities can disturb the healing and result in loosening and loss of the Dental Implant.

The Cost

At the Consultation Appointment, we will give you an outline of the estimated cost of your Dental Implant.

In the case of Dental Implants, you will be quoted a two-stage costing: The First Stage being the dental implant placement, and the Second Stage the restoration of the crown on the dental implant some 3 months later.  Throughout the Dental Implant Procedure, we may need to alter the extent of the treatment, dependent on the difficulty and technique required, and until such time the estimate of the cost is an estimate only.

Following your Dental Implant Procedure there may be other relevant costs dependent on the outcome such as complications requiring hospitalisation with referral to an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon (at additional expense), cost of the replacement of the Dental Implant should there be a complication, and other costs such as gum surgery, and reviews.

Treatment Alternatives

Bridges, Dentures or Partial Dentures can replace missing teeth without requiring Dental Implants. The missing tooth or teeth can also be left without replacement, eg. Leave a gap.  This, however, can lead to other problems such as an unstable bite or unwanted movement of the surrounding teeth.

Risks & Results

There is always a small chance that the Dental Implant will fail to integrate with the jawbone and have to be removed. In this instance, a new implant fixture will often be placed with a further delay for bone healing.  Certain medical conditions can put you at a higher risk for Dental Implant failure. As with any surgery, there is a potential risk of surgical complications when placing a Dental Implant.

Improperly positioned Dental Implants can make it difficult–if not impossible–to place a useful dental restoration in the mouth and the implant may need removal and replacement in a more favourable position.

Surgical risks also include bleeding, pain and discomfort, infection, bruising and swelling, instrument/implant hardware aspiration in the lungs, jaw fracture, blood vessel damage, temporary numbness, permanent numbness, and damage to adjacent teeth, sinus communication, gums, bone and bone necrosis.

Dental Implant supported restorations do not have the same feeling as a normal tooth and it is possible to put too much pressure on them when chewing, leading to damage of the Implant Restoration or opposing tooth.

If you have a misaligned bite, the restorations placed on the dental implants will be at greater risk for fracture or failure or cause Joint or muscle discomfort (TMD). Proper alignment of the teeth prior to Dental Implant placement leads to a more aesthetic result. Bite and tooth alignment problems should be addressed prior to dental implant placement. Eating excessively hard foods can lead to increased soreness under the conventional denture and possible fracture of teeth or fixture parts.

Gum Disease can occur around Dental Implants, just like teeth, and may require treatments such as cleaning, surgery or even removal of the Dental Implant.  The cost involved is at the expense of the patient.

Dental Implants will look similar to the adjacent teeth, but there will be some variation in their appearance. After removing a tooth the gums may shrink, and therefore a Dental Implant tooth may be longer in the gums. The Crown may also be a slightly different shape and colour to the adjacent teeth. Your appearance may be changed in terms of tooth contour and position and lip support. Appearance and speech changes are more likely with upper implants since it is necessary to leave the Implant posts exposed for proper oral hygiene.

Fracture of abutment screws, the Implant , the Abutment and the Crown can rarely happen. This could lead to the need to remove a fixture and have a different Crown constructed at your expense.  The screws attaching the prosthesis to the fixture may loosen with time. They will need to be tightened if this occurs. This will sometimes require remaking your Crowns at your expense.

If the jaw joints or facial muscles are overloaded from excessively hard foods or you clench or grind your teeth, you may experience some jaw joint and facial muscular discomfort.

Dental Implant Referral

Our practice is committed to providing the best Dental Care.  Sometimes after assessing a tooth or the mouth, we find complexities or treatment difficulties that will need to be assessed and treated by Referral to a Dental Specialist.  Upon referral, your Dental Specialist will provide you with independent financial cost estimates and invoices for treatment.

Dental Implant FAQs

Who Are Dental Implants For?

When you have missing, broken, loose teeth or severe gum disease, Dental Implants can provide a comfortable and natural-looking solution. Missing teeth can result in loss of function, and the inability to chew and eat freely. You may also experience distressing aesthetic and psychological impacts, such as loss of confidence to smile due to missing teeth. Thankfully, Dental Implants are the ideal solution for teeth replacement. There are very few cases when Dental Implants are not suitable, but caution is required in some cases.

Dental Implants ensure that your replaced teeth look, feel and function like normal teeth. For the procedure, a titanium post is surgically implanted into your jawbone and functions as an anchor or “post” for a Porcelain Crown. Over time, this post fuses with the natural bone matter in your jaw, helping to create a durable and reliable foundation for your new tooth. 

As the body requires time to heal before the Crown is attached, multiple appointments are required during the teeth replacement process. The success of Dental Implant treatment will depend on several factors including your physical health, Dental Hygiene and aftercare. No Dental treatment has a lifetime guarantee, however, your Dental Implants will have a long-term expectancy with the right treatment and care.

There are two components to Dental Implant treatment – the Dental Implants and the Porcelain Crowns. The Dental Implant component is first placed in the bone. Secondly, an abutment links the Porcelain Crown to the Dental Implant.

You will never be without a front tooth during your treatment stages at Smile Artistry. Depending on the circumstances, bonded-fixed teeth may not be possible, and in these instances we construct highly aesthetic temporary teeth in thin clear trays like whitening trays or ultra-thin mouth-guards which can be worn for the duration of the dental implant healing period. These teeth are designed to put minimum pressure on the area of the dental implant which will aid in better healing. Should treatment be on a back tooth then we will often recommend leaving the space as a gap, but if this is a concern to you we will endeavour to have a temporary in place. In ideal circumstances we will Immediately Load your Dental Implants which means you will have temporary crowns placed on your Dental Implants at the time of the initial surgery.

The time for bone to strengthen around your Dental Implant after placement is determined mostly by the strength of the bone and the amount of load the Dental Implant will take when the tooth is inserted. In general, Dental Implants take between three and six months to heal before your Porcelain Tooth is placed. The lower jaw will heal quicker, and usual time is about three months, whereas the upper jaw heals slower due to being weaker bone and takes closer to six months. Bone Grafts and Tooth Extractions can also slow down the process and add extra weeks-months.

Your Implant Dentist needs to be someone you trust to do the right thing by you. It is best that your General Dentist has a say in your Implant Dentist so that your continuing care in looking after your Dental Implant is convenient. We have found by providing General Dental and Implant Dental procedures is both convenient, practical and cost-effective.

There is no such speciality for Implant Dentistry as many different fields of dentistry are involved. Implant Dentistry requires a multi-faceted approach to ensure the final result is cosmetic, functional and healthy.

You may want to ask your Dentist about their experience in placing Dental Implants and what type of qualifications they have in the field. A Dentist placing Dental Implants should be a member of major Dental Implant Associations such as the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

Your Dentist should be able to also produce before and after photos of multiple cases similar to your situation. This displays their experience in treating your situation and also gives you an idea of the expected outcome that should be achievable.


We look forward to seeing you! Book online or call us on 3870 3333

Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.