White Fillings

White fillings have been the material of choice for tooth fillings for more than two decades, and advances in materials and techniques mean that our white fillings are even more natural looking, more polished, and have an improved combination of strength, finish and longevity than ever before.

A Porcelain White Filling can provide additional strength to white resin fillings with an often increased longievity.

Time to Replace Your Old, Amalgam Fillings?

Old failing, black metal amalgam fillings hold potential for future problems within our teeth. Time is showing that old amalgam restorations and dental fillings create stress on the surrounding tooth structure, and in the end, teeth can crack and break down, or decay could leak underneath these fillings.

If treated early, teeth have better long-term prognosis. At Brisbane Smiles, we can advise when it is time to replace old amalgam fillings.

White Fillings may last from just a few years right up to a few decades. Generally, the smaller the filling, the longer it will last. Very large white fillings will require a porcelain crown or onlay to rebuild the lost strength in the tooth.

Are White Fillings Right for You?

White fillings are a great treatment option for many people, though in the case of teeth that have larger holes or cracks, we may recommend using porcelain crowns or porcelain onlays to restore the tooth to full strength. Porcelain onlays are stronger, and will usually outlast white fillings. This returns the integrity to your tooth, and helps to prevent fatal fractures, and further breakdown that could lead to root canal treatment or extraction.

White Fillings FAQs

What is a filling used for?

They are used for repairing decay, chips, broken teeth, or defects in teeth.

There is an estimated cost, starting from $195 per filling. This is dependent on the number of surfaces the filling extends to.

The treatments required typically include a local anaesthetic to numb the affected area in the mouth, drilling, the placement of the filling, along with adjustment and polishing.

You can expect one appointment of 30-60 Minutes. (Dependent on the number of fillings required).

You will require regular check-ups, and bite adjustment.


We look forward to seeing you! Book online or call us on 3870 3333

Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.