Bone Grafts for Dental Implants Brisbane
Dental Implants can assist to transmit forces and stimulate the bone and stabilise the Jaws from bone loss.
Dentures when touching on the Gums accelerate Bone Loss. This is because they do not stimulate the bone, they actually pathologically destroy it.
Once Jaw Bone is lost, to rebuild the missing bone, bone grafting procedures need to be performed. Official Bone Regeneration Solutions from Biohorizons

Socket Bone Grafting
This is to save the bone when teeth are being removed. At the time of tooth removal, or the months following, we may recommend a socket bone graft. This form of bone grafting aims to pro-actively prevent bone loss by providing the bone around a tooth which has just been removed with a ‘scaffolding’ to assist the bone healing over a following three to eight month period.
Sinus Bone Grafting (for Upper Back Teeth)
In the Upper Jaw, following removal of back teeth, the sinus above enlarges quickly and commonly, before dental implants are placed, a prior procedure to re-establish proper bone size is required. This procedure is performed in a separate stage about 2 to 10 months before dental implant placement. On occasions, this procedure may be performed when the dental implant is placed. Healing is usually uneventful and only mild discomfort is noticed for a few days, where anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics will improve comfort. Smoking will prevent the proper healing of the bone following the procedure.
Guided Bone Regeneration (for any tooth)
When bone is lost in the front of the mouth, or even in the back of the mouth, a visual void may be noticeable. To rebuild these areas, Guided Bone Regeneration can be utilised to rebuild the missing bone. Combinations of bones from wisdom tooth areas, inside the chin may be used along with artificial or allografts. Collagen membranes make Guided Bone Regeneration more comfortable than in the past due to the ability to eliminate an extra surgery to remove the membrane. Healing is usually uneventful and only mild discomfort is noticed for a few days, where anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics will improve comfort. Smoking will prevent the proper healing of the bone following the procedure.
Bone Grafting in Larger Areas (Particularly for denture wearers)
Larger Quantities of Bone Grafting are performed using the Iliac Crest (Hip Bone). the bone can provide very reliable and large quantities of bone.

More Information
Further Treatment Information
The evaluation of Bone Grafting for full-denture wearers first involves a Cone-beam CT Scan. This scan produces a three-dimensional image of the jaws, and identifies areas of suitable bone. On occasions, this scan may identify bone is adequate without Grafting, therefore eliminating the need, and proceeding straight to Dental Implant Placement.
Where there is remarkable bone loss, specialist consultation for bone grafting using outside the mouth bone is recommended. Results can return your Jaw Bone to become suitable for Dental Implants. Healing can involve moderate discomfort for a number of days. Rest, Ice-packs, anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics will improve your comfort.
Bone Grafting General Information
It is best to have an active plan when teeth are being removed for your optimal time-line to prevent the loss of bone.
It is our observation that by far, placement of Dental Implants within the first year following tooth removal gives the most natural results, before bone loss can occur.
This may prevent bone grafting procedures all together.
Should you require bone grafting procedures, many of the procedures can be performed in the dental chair at Brisbane Smiles. Modern Cone-beam CT scan computer planning allows for very detailed and accurate planning to be performed, giving you peace of mind.
Before tooth removal, or as soon as possible after tooth removal, visit for a Dental Implant Consultation to discuss your situation and give you your specific treatment recommendations.
Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.