all on 4 dental implants teethxpress

TeethXpress - Full Dental Implants​

There is no need for Dentures when Dental Implants can be used to hold fixed-in Porcelain-Zirconia Bridges.

Replacement of all teeth with IV Sedation and onsite immediate Dental Laboratory. Lower Full Dentures and Upper Full Dentures can be uncomfortable when they have no fixation. Teeth were intended to be fixed to our jaws, to not float around in the mouth on our gums. As Dentures have no way of fixating to the moving jaw, we commonly find patients complain of difficulties in eating, chewing, and speech due to movement and lack of stability.


Advantages Of TeethXpress Treatment

We find the first and easiest stage of treatment is placing two or three Dental Implants underneath a Lower Full Denture, providing adequate denture retention to chew again with confidence.

If your existing plate is well fitting it can be connected to the Dental Implants using a locator attachment that is easily engaged and allows the plate to be removed for cleaning at least twice daily. This is not a life-long treatment, but adding extra implants in the future would give extra stability with the expectation you will receive a longer-lasting treatment.

Watch our Principal Dentist, Dr Paul McKay, discuss the benefits and treatment process of TeethXPress.

Benefits of TeethXpress

About The TeethXpress Procedure

Consults and Planning are first required to ensure this treatment is most suitable and no alternative options are available.

A virtual surgery is planned on the computer along with a waxup of the new shapes of your teeth.

The first major stage is the implant surgery. Any remaining teeth are removed. The Dental Implants are placed and temporary fixed-in teeth are fixed into position. This appointment is performed under I.V. Sedation with a Specialist Medical Anaesthetist.

Following Healing, your final bridge is made. This will be constructed from Titanium and Resin Teeth or from Zirconia.

Limitations of Treatment

The lower jaw can present limitations in its anatomy, particularly in cases of advanced bone loss, often after years of missing teeth, losing bone height and width creating difficulty in the position of the lower jaw’s dental nerve.

One way to properly assess this is taking a 3d Jaw Scan.  This allows for a virtual surgery to be planned on a computer to check the safety and suitability for the procedure.


TeethXpress Before and After Photos

Interested in the transformative power of TeethXPress full mouth implants at Brisbane Smiles? Discover the remarkable results achievable with our advanced TeethXpress Treatment. View the amazing TeethXpress before-and-after photo transformations that our patients have experienced.

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Treatment FAQs

What Are TeethXpress Dental Implants?

TeethXpress is a trademark of Biohorizons and is a system for the immediate placement of Dental Implants to a jaw with immediate teeth placed onto the dental implants to avoid a period of having no teeth.  After a healing period is completed, the immediate bridge is replaced with the final bridge.

Dental Implants are universal pieces of hardware that are made in many different widths and lengths so as to work in almost all jaws and mouths. In general, healthy individuals are suitable for dental implant procedures.

After your Consultation, you will be provided with your personalised treatment plan and treatment will be ready to commence. The First appointment is your surgery, placement of the dental implants and your immediate new teeth. This appointment is provided with IV Sedation for your comfort. You can now see, eat and talk with your new immediate teeth. After a minimum of 3 months, you will have new final teeth made and inserted and your active treatment is complete. Maintenance treatment will be recommended on an annual basis for most patients.

The TeethXpress treatment is provided for hundreds of patients worldwide every day. There is a surgical component that carries different risks for different patients and you will have individual discussions with your dental surgeon before the treatment. 

TeethXpress will involve the removal of your remaining teeth and the replacement with dental implants. The surgical appointment is usually easy for you as you will have IV Sedation to reduce anxiety and give you relief. Following you will provided with medications for pain relief, inflammation control and antibiotics as necessary and all of these will reduce pain to minimal, if any for days to a week.

Your new teeth will be made to suit you, your facial features and your desires. One benefit of our TeethXpress protocol is that the immediate teeth will allow you to assess these teeth and provide feedback before upgrading the immediate teeth into the final teeth whereby improvements and shade adjustments can be made before making the final bridge.


We look forward to seeing you! Book online or call us on 3870 3333

Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.