Children’s Dentistry
The introduction to a good healthy mouth starts from an early age, so it is critical that our children start life with good oral healthy habits. Children of all ages need to be seeing the Dentist regularly, and this starts from the time their first teeth appear in their mouth.
Early visits at a young age (0-2 years) to the Dentist helps to familiarise your infant/child with visiting a dental practice. Your Dentist/Oral Health Therapist will be able to monitor and detect any early problems and intervene at any early stage. As a parent, you will be guided in caring for your child’s oral health and given valuable oral home care and dietary advice.

Dental Visits for Children Should Be 6-Monthly
Familiarity of a regular dental team is important and a valuable investment in the health of your children. During your Child’s first dental visit they will be assessed by a Brisbane Dentist/Oral Health Therapist. A number of areas will be assessed:
- Teeth Health
- Gum Health
- Dental Development
- Oral Hygiene and Diet
Our team will provide Oral Hygiene and Diet instruction and advice. Any recommended treatments or referrals for Orthodontics will be discussed.
Children’s Dental Care includes:
- Check-ups
- Cleans
- X-Rays
- Brushing and Oral Hygiene Advice
- Fissure Seals
- Fillings
- Root Canal
- Extractions
- Referral for Orthodontics
- Referral for Complex Paediatric Dental Treatments
Children’s Dentistry Philosophy
At Brisbane Smiles we take great pride in the fact that our child patients love coming to see us. Our Dentist’s are parents themselves and make every effort to make your child’s dental experience a positive (and fun) one.
Our Toowong Dentists are able to perform all types of children’s dentistry including complex treatment because we have Nitrous Oxide (happy gas) available in all our surgeries. Of course there are instances where a child may require a General Anaesthetic for treatment. In these circumstances we work with a network of Paediatric Dental Specialists and Oral Maxillo-facial Surgeons to co-ordinate the appropriate care required for the individual child and family. We also work with a Orthodontists when your child is in need of braces and orthodontic advice.
Brisbane Smiles Kids Day
Going to the dentist should never be a scary experience, especially for our kids!

CDBS – Childrens Dental Benefit Scheme

Brisbane Smiles participates in the Childrens Dental Benefits Schedule.
Eligibility: Your child can get CDBS when they are eligble for Medicare; they are between 2 and 17 years old for at least 1 day that year; you or they get an eligible payment at least once that year (Child’s parent: Family Tax benefit Part A, Parenting Payment, Double Orphan Pension, Abstudy. Child: Family Tax Benefit Part A, Carer Payment, Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment, Special Benefit, Youth Allowance).
Benefits: The CDBS will cover up to $1,013 over 2 calendar years for basic dental services under CDBS, including:
- check-ups
- X-rays
- cleaning
- fissure sealing
- fillings
- root canals
- extractions
Claims and Payments: For CDBS rules, terms and conditions, up-to-date limits visit the Services Australia CDBS website. Our team will need to login to ensure eligibility and limits. The parent/Guardian must sign a Medicare Consent Form prior to treatment commencing. At your child’s appointment the team will discuss what each service will cost and if the CDBS will cover these services. Any costs not covered by CDBS will be the sole responsibility of the patient and parent/guardian for immediate payment. If we are unable to make a claim on your behalf on the day of service, you will need to make full payment and you will need to claim the CDBS portion from Services Australia later. You can often to this straight after your have paid through the Express Plus Medicare mobile app or your medicare online account through myGov, otherwise in person or via post.
Children's Mouthguards
Does your child require a mouth guard for their chosen sport? We have an on-site dental laboratory that can make your child’s custom-fitted mouth guard to fit their teeth perfectly and reduce the chance of injury when playing sport.
Custom-fitted mouthguards at Brisbane Smiles are made precisely by our Dental Technicians in our on-site dental laboratory. Custom-fitted mouthguards provide a better fit than other varieties, as they are made to suit your individual mouth. When made by our Dental Lab, a custom-fitted mouthguard is:
- Comfortable
- Precise-fitting
- Allows you to speak clearly
- Won’t shift or fall out
- Won’t restrict your breathing

Book a Brisbane Smiles Children's Dentistry Appointment
Visit the friendly team at Brisbane Smiles for a gentle and enjoyable Children’s Check-Up and Clean appointment. Set up your little ones for a lifetime of happy, healthy smiles!
Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.