Prior to IV Sedation Appointments
This Information is for Dental Appointments where you will receive Intravenous Sedation from Medical Anaesthetist – Dr Ross Foreman.
Before the Appointment
• No food 6 hours prior to your appointment
• No fluids 2 hours prior to your appointment other than Water of clear apple juice only. (No milks, or shakes).
• Bring ALL medications that you regularly take (other than those prescribed by your Dentist) or a comprehensive list of medications
• Take your usual medications at least 2 hours prior to the appointment unless you are instructed otherwise
• You MUST be accompanied by a responsible person who will take you home and monitor you for the following 24 hours. You MUST provide the contact details and name of the person.
• Do not drink alcohol or use illicit or recreational drugs on the day of your appointment
• Wear loose fitting clothes, and do not wear jewellery. Remove contact lenses
• Let the Dentist know if you are feeling unwell on the day of your appointment
At the completion of your appointment we will provide you with Written Instructions to assist your quick recovery.
You will need to have prepared any medications that we have recommended, possibly including:
Ibuprofen 400mg to take 6-8 hourly
Paracetamol 500mg to take 2 tabs, 4-6 hourly
Prescriptions for Stronger Pain Relief, Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory Medication.
After the Appointment
- You will recover and stay at the practice until you are ready to leave
- You must be escorted home by a responsible adult and supervised until the following morning
- Rest and do not undertake strenuous activity for the remainder of the day
- If you are hungry, after the anaesthetic wears off you can have a light meal. Avoid hot and cold food and drinks
- Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours after the appointment
- Do not drink alcohol, return to work, make important decisions, or sign important documents until the day after your appointment.
Payment for IV Sedation
Medical Anaesthetist is to be made on the day via credit card and is dependent on the amount of time Dr Foreman is present. If you need to make alternative arrangements you should do so at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. You should also note that Dr Foreman has a strict no-show policy, and if you do not attend the appointment you will incur fees of up to the equivalent of the appointment.
Your pre-appointment Medical Consult with Dr Ross Foreman will be scheduled to commence 20 minutes prior to your appointment start time. Please note that billing time will only commence from the time of the dental appointment.
If you have any questions about your appointment you should contact our practice immediately.
Further Information
Please note that we DO NOT provide General Anesthetics at Brisbane Smiles. At times there may arise situations where it is not possible to safely provide you with the level of sedation required to complete your dental treatment that you are booked in for. We do not compromise on patient safety. Should this occur we will alter the appointment and make alternative arrangements.
Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.