Dental Implants Brisbane

An innovative, comfortable and natural-looking solution for missing teeth.

Dental Implants are the most innovative and aesthetic solution for missing teeth. A permanent treatment, Dental Implants are a stable support for Porcelain Crowns, acting as natural teeth replacements. 

Beyond looking and feeling natural, Dental Implants contribute to jaw-bone support, preventing the gradual shrinking that can occur over time with missing teeth. This is just one of the advantages of opting for Brisbane Dental Implants as a lasting and comfortable solution for teeth replacement

About Dental Implant Brisbane Smiles Treatment

Looking fro the best Dental Implant Specialist in Brisbane? Dental Implants can treat dental issues such as missing, broken or loose teeth, and instances of severe gum disease. This solution works to treat the appearance of teeth as well as functionality such as eating and chewing. Additionally, it can restore your confidence to smile if you have suffered from aesthetic dental concerns.

Fortunately, Dental Implants at Brisbane Smiles are the ideal remedy for comprehensive teeth replacement. It is important to note that while Dental Implants are suitable for the majority of cases, there are instances where caution is warranted.


Benefits of Dental Implants

Losing teeth due to gum disease, decay, or injury can be uncomfortable and emotionally challenging. Dental Implants in Brisbane offer an advanced solution, without the need for dentures or bridges. This treatment can restore normal speech, eating and smiling, and also provide lasting comfort and enhance overall smile aesthetics.

Dental Implants play a crucial role in supporting the jawbone, preventing the gradual shrinkage associated with missing teeth over time and supporting long-term oral health. For those requiring multiple teeth replacements, Denture Implants offer a customised and beneficial option.

Our Dental implants at Brisbane Smiles not only address immediate functional and aesthetic concerns but also significantly contribute to long-term oral well-being.


We look forward to seeing you! Book online or call us on 3870 3333

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental Implant Brisbane Smiles treatment involves a detailed process. Initially, a titanium post is surgically placed in the jawbone, acting as the anchor for a Porcelain Crown that mimics natural teeth. Over time, the post integrates with the bone, forming a strong foundation.

This process requires multiple appointments, with the final step being the attachment of the Crown. Treatment success depends on factors like physical health, dental hygiene and aftercare. Although no dental treatment offers a lifetime guarantee, proper care ensures the longevity of Dental Implants.

Implants and Crowns

Dental Implant treatment comprises two key components – the placement of Dental Implants into the bone and the attachment of Porcelain Crowns through an abutment. Understanding the intricacies of both elements is crucial for a comprehensive awareness of the treatment process.

Replacing All Teeth With Implants

Complete teeth replacement in a jaw is achievable through Dental Implants and Zirconia Bridges. This option not only ensures natural aesthetics but also promotes proper function and the ability to chew effectively.

Dentures and Implants

Denture Dental Implants offer a modern solution to stabilise loose dentures, preventing them from shifting and falling out. This procedure is particularly common for addressing issues with the lower denture.

Bone Grafts

Missing teeth can lead to jaw shape and contour changes, potentially resulting in bone loss. Stabilising this process through Brisbane Dental Implants is effective; however, significant bone loss may necessitate Bone Grafting for reconstruction.

Dental Implant Before and After Photos

See Before and After Dental Implant Photos, showing how this treatment can transform smiles with missing teeth. View the results that you can expect from Dental Implants Brisbane Smiles.

Brisbane Dental Implant Treatment Process

Here at Brisbane Smiles, we will customise all Dental Implant Brisbane Appointments to suit your individual needs and treatment plans. Temporary Crowns, Bridges or Dentures will be planned before treatment to avoid the appearance of missing teeth between treatments.

A typical Brisbane Dental Implant process involves the following stages.

Stage One

In this initial phase, your Dentist comprehensively assesses your needs and evaluates your health suitability for Dental Implants. The information gathered during your initial appointments forms the basis for virtual surgery, enabling your Dentist to outline the optimal treatment plan. This plan is presented to you during a detailed treatment discussion, accompanied by a personalised Dental Report.

Dental Implant Consultation

Assessing your condition and discussing treatment options.

Scan Appointment

Utilising our on-site CBCT Planmeca Unit for 3D jaw scans and our 3Shape Trios3 Mouth Scanner for precise digital impressions.

Planning & Discussion

Your Dentist conducts Virtual Surgery, detailing the treatment plan and providing a comprehensive Treatment Report during discussions.

Stage Two

Once you’ve agreed to proceed with treatment after the discussion, the second stage involves Dental Implant Surgery, Review Appointments, and Crown placement.

Surgery Appointment

Painless implant placement under Local Anaesthetic Injection, with the option for IV Sedation provided by a Medical Anaesthetist if preferred. Tooth removal, if required, is also performed during this appointment.

Review Appointments

Regular check-ins throughout the Dental Implant healing process to monitor progress and make arrangements for future appointments.

Crown Appointments

After the Dental Implant has healed, our on-site Dental Technicians construct the Crown, which is then expertly inserted by your Dentist to finalise the treatment.

This structured approach ensures a thorough understanding of your unique case, meticulous planning, and a supportive journey through each stage of the Dental Implant process.

Dental Implants Cost Brisbane

How much are Dental Implants Brisbane? The cost of Dental Implants Brisbane will depend on the treatment required. At the Consultation Appointment, you will receive a customised Price Estimate. Find out more about Dental Implant Cost Brisbane and Payment Options here.


Dental Implant Consultation

A comprehensive Brisbane Dental Implant Consultation is designed to evaluate and determine potential treatments tailored to your specific condition. Throughout the consultation, you will receive a personalised written and verbal summary of your condition assessment, details outlining the next steps, and a Cost Estimate. The Dental Implants Brisbane Smiles Treatment is entirely customised to align with your unique condition and preferences.

Dental Implant FAQs

Who is a candidate for Dental Implants?

When you have missing, broken, loose teeth or severe gum disease, Dental Implants are a possible solution. There are very few cases that implants are not suitable for, but caution is needed in some cases. Studies show that implant complications (failures) occur in higher amounts if you are a smoker or have uncontrolled diabetes.

The main determinant for Dental Implant Suitability is available bone. Because bone is lost when teeth are removed, and because Dental Implants need to be anchored into bone, bone loss is not ideal. Modern 3D scanning technology allows us to assess the jaw bone shape and size to measure suitability for Dental Implants. In cases where minimal bone is available, Dental Implants are still possible, but you first require a procedure to rebuild the lost bone. This is called bone grafting.

You will never be without a front tooth during your treatment stages at Smile Artistry. Depending on the circumstances, bonded-fixed teeth may not be possible, and in these instances we construct highly aesthetic temporary teeth in thin clear trays like whitening trays or ultra-thin mouth-guards which can be worn for the duration of the Dental Implant healing period. These teeth are designed to put minimum pressure on the area of the Dental Implant which will aid in better healing. Should treatment be on a back tooth then we will often recommend leaving the space as a gap, but if this is a concern to you we will endeavour to have a temporary in place. In ideal circumstances we will Immediately Load your Dental Implants which means you will have temporary crowns placed on your Dental Implants at the time of the initial surgery.

The Dental Implant Cost Brisbane involve two stages. Firstly the Dental Implant is placed into the jaw bone. Secondly, after the Dental Implant and bone have healed and become solid in the bone, the top of the tooth, the Porcelain Crown, is constructed and inserted permanently.

So there are essentially two costs you need to know about for your Brisbane Dental Implant. However there may also be additional costs where bone grafting is required to replace missing bone, and costs where temporary teeth need to be made to replace the missing teeth during the healing time for a few months. In more complex situations, a guide may need to be created, and this is also an additional cost.

A Brisbane Dental Implant Procedure is usually performed in the chair at your Dentist under local anaesthetic. This is because Dental Implant Brisbane Procedures are similar to having a tooth extracted or root canal treatment, or in some cases this method is quicker and easier for the patient.

The Dental Implant procedure involves pre-op medication and antibiotics, local anaesthetic, drilling to create the space in the jaw bone, and placing the implant into the jaw. Digital x-rays will guide the positioning of your Dental Implant into the best position. A healing cover will be placed on the Dental Implant and an x-ray taken to check the final Dental Implant position. Your procedure for a single Dental Implant Brisbane Smiles Placement will take less than one hour.

However, this is not always the case, and if you are on other medications or have major medical conditions, you may be referred for treatment with a General Anaesthetic. Treatment is performed by our highly experienced Dentist team of Dental Implant Specialist Brisbane.

The time for bone to strengthen around your Dental Implant after placement is determined mostly by the strength of the bone and the amount of load the Dental Implant will take when the tooth is inserted. In general, Dental Implants take between three and six months to heal before your Porcelain Tooth is placed. The lower jaw will heal quicker, and usual time is about three months, whereas the upper jaw heals slower due to being weaker bone and takes closer to six months. Bone Grafts and Tooth Extractions can also slow down the process and add extra weeks-months. 

Dental Implants are made from titanium, and similar to joint replacements such as knees and hips, titanium is a biocompatible material. The contacting bone against an implant actually fuses to the titanium.

In statistics of cases, about 2 in 100 Dental Implants fail to integrate to the bone. This is not rejection by the body, but actually similar to a bony fracture where the Dental Implant is not secure enough and movement occurs. Micro-movement during the healing stage can affect the healing process of bone, in extreme cases this can upset the process entirely and scar tissue forms. If this is the case, after three months the x-ray will show a gap and the implant will usually come loose from the mouth. In these instances, the area is cleaned and a replacement implant is placed and a further healing period is required. A study of 100 recent Brisbane Dental Implants performed at Smile Artistry reveals this instance occurred at 1 in 100 or 1%.

Your Dental Implant Specialist in Brisbane needs to be someone you trust to do the right thing by you. It is best that your General Dentist has a say in your Implant Dentist so that your continuing care in looking after your Dental Implant is convenient. We have found by providing General Dental and Implant Dental procedures is both convenient, practical and cost-effective.

There is no such speciality for Implant Dentistry as many different fields of dentistry are involved. Implant Dentistry requires a multi-faceted approach to ensure the final result is cosmetic, functional and healthy.

You may want to ask your Dentist about their experience in placing Dental Implants and what type of qualifications they have in the field. A Dentist placing Dental Implants should be a member of major Dental Implant Associations such as the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

Your Dentist should be able to also produce before and after photos of multiple Dental Implant Brisbane Smiles cases similar to your situation. This displays their experience in treating your situation and also gives you an idea of the expected outcome that should be achievable.

While Dental Implants consistently rank among the best-performing long-term treatments in Dentistry, it’s crucial to acknowledge their invasive nature. Literature and experience demonstrate a 90-95% success rate of Dental Implants Brisbane even after 20 years. At Brisbane Smile, our experienced Dentists adhere to a Philosophy of Care to ensure every procedure is conducted with utmost precision and diligence.

Dental Implant Treatments are consistently amongst the highest performing long-term treatments in Dentistry. Literature and experience shows that 90-95% of Dental Implant Treatments are functioning normally after 20 years. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

You may experience some of the following complications following implant treatment:

 ► Surgical Complications such as bleeding, infection and nerve damage causing temporary or permanent numbness to your lip.

► The Implant may fail to integrate to the bone. This is discovered at the time of the second surgery and often is the result of not maintaining a soft diet during the interim between the first and second surgeries, or not returning for adjustments and additional soft linings should soreness and ulcerations occur. Any implant that fails to integrate will be removed. At that time either a new fixture will be placed (followed by another three to six month healing time) or the prosthesis will be constructed on those implants that remain.

► Fracture of abutment fixtures, screws and associated parts are rare but can happen. This could lead to the removal of the fixture, in which case you may need to have a different prosthesis constructed. It may be necessary to switch from a fixed to a removable prosthetic design.

► Your appearance may be changed in terms of tooth contour and position and lip support. Appearance and
speech changes are more likely with upper implants since it is necessary to leave the implant posts
exposed for proper oral hygiene. If this creates an undesirable appearance an esthetic veneer can be made.

► Eating excessively hard foods can lead to increased soreness under the conventional denture and
possible fracture of teeth or fixture parts.

► If the jaw joints or facial muscles are overloaded from excessively hard foods or you clench or grind
your teeth, you may experience some jaw joint and facial muscular discomfort.

► Cleaning the teeth and posts of the implant will be much different from cleaning a conventional denture.
Although rare, abnormal tissue reactions and/or infections can occur around the implant parts if they
are not kept clean. Like other dentures and bridges, the teeth may stain with excessive coffee, tea or

► If your denture is of the removable type, the teeth or denture may be damaged if dropped, teeth may de-bond due to the extra forces implants create in your bite.

► There may be some initial discomfort around the implant post immediately after the denture is placed,
which should eventually disappear.

► The screws attaching the prosthesis to the fixture may loosen with time. They will need to be tightened if
this occurs. This will sometimes require remaking your crowns at your expense.

► When the teeth have worn down they will need to be replaced. This means your denture will be
removed for a few days. This would, of course, be at your expense. 

The alternatives to Dental Implant Brisbane treatment are:

  1. To not have any Dental Implant Brisbane treatment.
    2. To have a new conventional removable denture.
    3. Other surgical procedures to improve residual ridge (with attendant risks and other problems).
    4. Other Prosthetic Procedure sincluding dental bridges where adjacent teeth are suitable candidates to hold the bridge 

For long-term success of Dental Implant Brisbane treatment, you have the following responsibilities:

1.. Follow all instructions regarding soft diet and denture use during the healing after each phase of surgery.
2. Clean the implant posts and denture thoroughly as instructed.
3. Appear for periodic examinations as advised by your dentist. There is an additional fee for this service.
4. Exercise care in not abusing the prosthesis.
5. Advise your dentist immediately if any problems are noticed.

Any invasive or surgical procedure has risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. No dental treatment is suitable for each and every patient. Dentists will only provide care which is suitable to the individual. Patients of Brisbane Smiles must complete examination and consultation appointments to deem suitability for procedures and full informed consent be given by the patient. Photos shown on this website are actual patients. Photos are for general purposes and individual results will vary.